73 год | сумерки
месяц трав

север: слабый снег
юг: дождливая погода
запад: малооблачно
восток: пасмурно

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Мартовские кошки (ф)

Сообщений 1 страница 2 из 2


Мартовские кошки

год|время суток|месяц:
73 год|предрассветные сумерки|начало месяца Крови
довольно прохладно, в лесу то там, то тут раскиданы небольшие сугробы снега, не успевшие стаять. Урд разлился довольно высоко и затопил берега.

участники и порядок отписи:
Рунг'Эрд → Тайгета Кали

Место действия:
Граница восточной провинции у реки Урд

Сюжет эпизода:
В поисках нужных ей трав и ведомая духами предков, Эрд переходит через брод реки Урд и попадает на территорию клана Воронье перо. Вряд молоденькая кошечка задумывается о последствиях такого поступка. Тайгета не дремлет. Она по обыкновению ревностно охраняет свои земли и земли клана, а потому встречает нарушительницу не самыми лестными словами.

Отредактировано Тайгета Кали (29.05.2016 09:55:12)



Eskadron is one of the most valued high-street manufacturers in the entire world that focuses primarily on the creation of supreme quality equestrian clothing and equipment.  This Italian concern has been founded by Pikeur wanting to satisfy with the jockeys' needs, who were searching for professional but also trendy equestrian accessories.  Thus, what makes Eskadron so special and why their collections are therefore popular among riders?Eskadron Why do bikers from all around the world love this brand?
Eskadron has been extremely popular with horse-riding fans for twelve or even more years today.  This new products are distinguished by their high quality attention to detail.  Eskadron can be valued for their unique practicality, elegance, and innovativeness of their own projects, modern style and design, and also availability.  The brand's offer includes both pro ones and items for recreational riders.  So, you'll discover basic equestrian clothing, expert equestrian, and various accessories necessary for your appropriate saddling of a horse.  Eskadron offers saddle fabrics, halters, rugs, bell boots for horses, vases, fly hats, bandages, but in addition hoodies, tshirts, breeches, also show coats.  These products come from the eu, which in addition verifies their caliber.Eskadron's ranges 
Eskadron has many selections.  Some are seasonal, others are constantly available in their deal.  The very popular collections of this brand are:
Vintage Sports - established twice per calendar year, this lineup is made up only of horse equipment.  Services and products from this collection are extremely straightforward, in conventional soft colors but at the same time very elegant.
Platinum Card  - launches once annually for people who like traditional solutions.  You will mostly find black and gray colors along with delicate picture themes.
Young Star - line for children that begin their experience with horseriding.  It's basic horseriding accessories in bright colors and exceptional designs.   
Equestrian Fanatics - clothing line designed for riders who like to stand outside. Available jackets, hoodies, and backpacks successfully combine casual clothing with equestrianism.   
Classic offer - Their steady offer of clothing, equipment, and accessories. It is possible to find products useful for training and regular rides but also elegant reveal clothing.

Eskadron is a new used by cyclists from all over the world.  For the benefit of riding and safety both yours and your horse, it might be well worth purchasing top quality articles, which may enable you to fully appreciate this sport that is exceptional.


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